INTECH spol. s r.o.


"After our first meeting, I was skeptical. I didn’t think someone from the outside could find the right fit when even our own team couldn’t. But just a few days after signing the terms, they proved me wrong, finding a perfect fit. Now I know my skepticism won’t be an issue when we make our next technical hire."

Tibor Kantor

Managing Director

Our quickest hire to date demonstrates benefits of network effects

Successes of INTECH, spol. s r.o. in the field of engineering design of chemical processes in the last 30 years did not go unnoticed. In 2017, INTECH was acquired by leading engineering manufacturing business SAM INDUSTRIES, a.s..

Recent outflow of INTECH employees, while maintaining same amount of projects led management to restructure engineering departments. spacebrains helped to find senior project manager with engineering background.

We sourced successful candidate from pool of other recent project, where candidate with less experience but high potential was preferred, in contrast to senior manager. The total hiring time was 23 days which is 4x faster than average time o

INTECH spol. s r.o.

Company Profile

Founded In




Annual Revenue

3,60M €

Revenue Per Employee

144K €

Businesses struggle to hire and keep talent and thus struggle with the ongoing projects or fail to innovate. We provide a solution. Together, we can create a vital and prospering job market ecosystem that all will benefit from.


spacebrains s.r.o.
Bratislava, Slovakia


Kadrioru Plaza
Tallinn, Estonia

Copyright 2025 spacebrains

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